Mrs. Claus Is Bearing a Gift for You

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Man With The Golden Voice

The Man With The Golden Voice

I've been playing Paul Revere and the Raiders and mark Lindsay music for 10 years straight and I can't stop. I love this music. Yes, me who loves Iron Butterfly, Alice Cooper, Cactus and Led Zeppelin, I am addicted to this stuff.

sure I like the Monkees and Tears for Fears and Chicago and Chi Coltrane. But I HAVE TO PLAY THE RAIDERS EVERYDAY. I need this fix.


I cannot get enough of this guy Mark Lindsay. you know, people are obsessed with Elvis and the Beatles. I'm obsessed with with Mark Lindsay/Paul Revere and the Raiders.

It's comparable to my obsession with Dark Shadows (that's another story) and if I can't hear HUNGRY or SILVERBIRD or IT'S HAPPENING I get depressed. these songs motivate me like a strong cup of coffee.

Anyway, click on the link and also read my hub about The Man With The Golden Voice. SHARE THIS:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Song for Slow Dancing Monsters

Teknogeek Goonsquad just posted their "Farmhouse Manor" song on My Space just in time for Halloween. You can go My Space and read their latest blog entry about this song. What they mentioned is that this song would be perfect for a slow dancing monster couple, say Frankenstein and his bride.

The song is eerie and has a light beat for slow dancing. The image of monsters and the undead on a dance floor is amusing and creepy at the same time. Great horror music.

Check out the tune and their blog and get into the Halloween spirit!

By the way, the photo above is of the Lattin Cemetery. True!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Rise and Fall of Ted Nugent or how to use your ego to stifle your creativity


The Rise and Fall of Ted Nugent or how to use your ego to stifle your creativity NEW POSTSCRIPT ADDED!

Here's what I'm playing: MOTOR CITY MAYHEM - the 6,000th Concert Celebration of Ted Nugent.

What a great DVD! Over 2 hours of unadulterated Uncle Ted who brings on 3 surprise guest musicians. what a guy! some of the songs where played so well that it proves the old adage that Live Nugent has more energy and finesse than studio Ted.

Although the DVD has been out for a while, I didn't have the time to watch and review it. I give it 5 thumbs up. Ted has proven once again that now and then he hits a slump but bounces back up like a squirrel on a flaming hot frying pan.

If you want to read the full article plus the new postscipt go to my Hub The Rise and Fall of Ted Nugent or how to use your ego to stifle your creativity .

And as Ted continues to scream "FREEDOM", keep in mind that he is celebrating 6 decades of rock on the 4th of July at his 6,000th concert and is proud to be an American.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ted Nugent Comedy Side Notes

In Defense of Ted Nugent

I've added a side note to my hub "In Defence of Ted Nugent". I've been thinking for a long time that Ted should polish his comedy act. Making people laugh (in a good sense) is a great skill to have. No wonder Ted has so many admirers, both fans and those in the music business as well.

Look, if Jerry Lewis can be a funny man and play the drums. Hey, why not Ted Nugent being a guitarist who can be a funnyman himself and make people laugh?

Let it be known that I am the first one to peg this title on Ted "The Jerry Lewis of Rock and Roll." What about Wierd Al Yankovic? He can be the "Bob Hope of Music Parody."

Lofty titles, I know. Well, if you've had enough doom and gloom from the grunge rock leftover music scene, a little humor ain't gonna hurt.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ted Nugent's Patriotism Questioned

Ted Nugent's Patriotism Questioned

Click on the link title above to read my updated hub about Ted's Nugent's faltering or unfaltering patriotism. I added the new notes "Am I Being Mean to TEd" after re-evaluating what I orignally wote. I was playing his "Bound and Gagged" video (great Nugent song) and was getting a sense that I need to criticize his music more than his love for his country. No hard feelings, Nuggie fans?

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Woodsman Wields His Axe

Now Whatcha Playin?

I had the pleasure of visiting the MySpace site of an exciting rockin' group from the Detroit area - The Woodsman. You know, so many bands out there are putting out music that's in tune with what Dr. Kervorkian practiced - assisted suicide. C'mon, we've had enough Nirvana and Pearl Jam and Soundgarden wannabes and also death metal sound alikes.

The Woodsman proves the Motorcity still rocks (and I am not biased as I live in Chicago) and shows us that Seattle music is for sleeping (or dying) but Detroit music is for LIVING BABY!

The Woodsman is influenced by, what else, Motor City Rock. I saw them on You Tube doing the Amboy Dukes "Good Natured Emma". Who woulda thunk that the band has the original Amboy Dukes' keyboardist, Rick Lober. I think they called him "Nervous Ned" back in '67. More on Rick later.

The band, which has been together for about 3 years, consists of Mr. Jeffrey Faust (formerly of the Nuclear Dukes) and a student of great guitarists proving that sometimes the student outdoes the master. Rick lober handles the ivories. Also in the band is the thumpin' Tony Chistlaw formerly of Powder Keg (talk about an explosive name!) on drums and Scott Boyden of Rampage (Wow, Detroit has some great names for rock bands!) on bass and vocals. Jeff Faust, besides the axe, also handles the mike and most of the songwriting.

I played their song from MySpace "Mr. Miles and Miles". This is a refreshing instrumental that you want to loop-play while you're driving out in the country on a nice warm day with the top down on your Mustang or Malibu. This song is reminiscent of early Jeff Beck, but only briefly because as the song picks up and takes off it develops an uncanny sound in the vogue of the Allman Brothers in their heyday. What I like is no depressing chords, just fly like the wind melodies and upbeat rhythyms. Other songs at their My Space include The Blame, Mount Olympus, Cold blood, March of Times, and Thunder in the Sun. Check them out here >>>> .

You know, I said I wanted to say more about Rick Lober and here it is. Rick, who has been itching to go on stage and play and put out records is a keyboardist you should take notice. I saw him play at the Detroit Music Awards with the original Amboy Dukes and when he played his solo, man, he outplayed old Teddy Nugent. Rick's playing has more vitality and finesse than even his British counterpart, Rick Wakeman of Yes.

Well the Woodsman is in the woodshed, I mean the studio, recording their new album. when it's out I will blog about it, and from what I've heard so far, it's dang good. Thanks Mr. Woodsman for your great guitar chops, and keep sharpening that axe - it sounds great.

Here's that "Good Natured Emma" vidoe by the Woodsman.

Raw Energy in Rock, Raw Energy in Your Body:

Logo - 125X125button

Monday, August 17, 2009

Man With Guitar Must Not Touch Drums

Man with guitar (me) should not touch drums.

Whatcha Playin? I said to myself when I walked into Sam Ash music store.

If you don't know me by now, I am an extreme guitarist. I was probably playing before you were born but I shunned the fame. Being a guitarist I am very creative. I have a good sense of timing and rhythym. That does not qualify me to start banging on the drums at Sam Ash

The problem is I LOVE DRUMS. Jungle beats, disco beats, cuban beats, bolera, marches, waltzes. I'm a drum nut. And although I am ahighly experienced guitarist, that does not qualify me to bang on the drum all day (as Todd Rundgren sang).

Well I was shocked to discover that lessons can be given at Sam Ash in a drum clinic. I declined because I got all my frustrations out already and realize I need a six string in my hand.

I'm lucky. I live close to the store. But many of you don't so you can accept my recommendation of clicking here when you need gear. For drums. For guitar. For keyboards. For lessons. For any MUSIC.

Right now I'm playing Uriah Heep CD's on my computer and will visit the Sam Ash Quikship Corp. online and save some gas and save some cash. It's a pretty cool site and I can guarantee you'll find something you like something you need.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scarey, Hip Dance Music (or Can You Do A Robot Dance?)

Can You Do A Robot Dance? Today I have the pleasure (or maybe dis-pleasure) of speaking on the phone with one of the dudes of the group TeknoGeek GoonSquad. This is a group of folks who needed some assistance in the recording and creative department for their first MP3 album which I gladly had my hand in. The album, The Abduction of a Rock Guitarist, has a dash (or maybe a huge dose) of Rob Lattin in it but the Geeks tell me they're not done.
RL: So, Mr. Poindexter, Whatcha Playin?
P. Nothing right now, I'm on the phone.
RL: Oh Yeah, I remember you well. Let me ask you, what's the creepy fascination you guys have with robots?
P. It can only be a fascination if you have one. We've got a robot. It's more frightening than fascinating.
RL: So whatcha have planned for the future, as if I didn't already know?
P. If you already know why are you asking?
RL: Look, this is for the benefit of my readers and followers. I know all you guys are eggheads and you needed someone with no brains and some musical talent so you contacted me. Just tell us what you're working on.
P. We're working on the next album. For the most part, this one will be strictly in the horror genre.
RL: Cool. Why are you going strictly in that direction, are you forfeiting making music that is both soundtrack and danceable?
P. No we want it to be danceable but we are all huge horror fans. We know you and your family are huge fans too so we appreciate any ideas you can give us. Songs like "Rajneesh" "21st Century Savage" and "The Banana Boy Affair" are great theme songs and very danceable, but they're not scary. We live a life of fear (because of that silly robot) so we know horror.
RL: Great. What song are you working on now in particular?
P. Can't divulge the titles because we don't want anyone out there to rip it off. But I'll tell you, Dork our programmer, was experimenting with disco music and with horror music that could have come out of the old 50's B movies. We'll see how it goes. We do want to add more narration to our work.
RL: Narration is a great tool to enhance a song. Have you ever heard of the Moody Blues' "Nights In White Satin"? That's an effective use of narration to make that song a timeless classic.
P. No, we never heard of it.
RL: Can I post a picture of you on the blog?
P. No, the robot won't let us.
RELATED LINKS:    Robot Sings   Next Generation in Horror Music
UPDATE: TeknoGeek Goonsquad members (Chicago) split up and the one main guy created Fantom Phactory in Detroit. They, too, are no longer a band but the music carries on as well as the blog. Son of Pumpkinstein was the last song started by TeknoGeeks and completed by Fantom Phactory. (Thanks to Kyle and Mike --- RL).

image of Son of Pumpkinstein
Son of Pumpkinstein by Fantom Phactory

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chrystal Paige is rehearsing for new CD

Today we will focus on young recording artist Chrystal Paige. I had the opportunity to personally interview her today.

Well Chrystal, Whatcha playin'? "My new song 'Gallagher'".

Is this named after the water-melon smashing comedian?
"No, it's in honor of Rory Gallagher, the deceased Irish blues guitarist."

Oh, Did you know that I met Rory in Chicago at Cruisin' Music about 15 years ago?

All we talked about was Ireland. Have you ever been to Ireland, Chrystal?
"Not yet."

I hear it's pretty green. Anyway tell me about the song you're playing.
"It's an instrumental, basically."

When can we hear it?
"Once it's recorded, I'll send you an MP3 copy."

Good, when you do can I post the song on my blog for others to hear it as well?

Hey, who or what are some of your influences, besides Rory.
"Heart, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Suzi Quatro. Sheryl Crow, Joni Mitchell. Classic Rock stuff."

Thanks, Chrystal. How can people learn more about your music?
"They can go to MySpace"

Here's the link

Friday, July 24, 2009

Whatcha Playin'? Main Objective.

This blog site is for those moments when you are being creative writing, rehearsing and recording new songs or improving old ones for new recordings or performances.

After spending much time creating, perfecting and recording some basic tracks for my new song (Ha*** ***e shh it's a secret yet) and developing callouses on my callouses on the tips of my fingers I had to pull out the old bass guitar and build from my song skeleton.

Then after developing a blister on my right thumb I finally got it right and man does the song sound terrific.

With this song I was getting away from the soundtracks and eclectic styles I normally play. So I decided to do a 'standard' hard rock song with little overdubs and simple lyrics. It may be simple but it's taking some work and should be done within a week.

If you have projects or songs you are creating or testing, tell me about it. Want to learn a little about bass line recording? Click


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