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This Christmas Tree’s For You
Free Christmas Gift
you can download (Limited Time only)
I wanted to share a song I recorded back in 1997 with you. This is a special gift I’m giving to anyone free of charge because it’s getting close to Christmas. You can download this song from Soundcloud.
I will allow anyone to get this through January 6, 2014, gratis.
About the song This Christmas Tree’s For You:
This song was originally recorded back in 1997 in Chicago and was never released anywhere as it sat as a demo on tape. I’ve just remixed it for mp3, cleaned it up and have it ready for your listening experience. How about that?? - A 70's style song written in the 90's and made magically digital in this the 21st Century!
On this particular song, not only do I play some guitar fills, I also play all of the keyboards (organ and synthesizer). Actually, the keys are the lead instrument and not guitar, which is unusual for me. Mark Farner was a big influence in taking a breather from heavy guitar and getting into some funky keys. Think "Foot Stompin' Music" you old timers.
This song is one of those timeless-type of R & B songs that gets you going. It’s a groovy tune with a groovy message – not your traditional mall-song. I also had a longer alternate version sans vocals (and with some handclapping) but this one stands up on its own.
The lyrics are obviously Christ-centered. What good is singing about a Christmas tree unless that tree happens to be the tree that held up Christ? And the star on top – symbolic of the Nativity star but more representative about the “Star of Stars” who is the Light of Light.
Well, I can understand many of our anti-Christian and atheist friends booing this song, but hey, what’s Christmas really about (Jesus Christ? J). The “Christmas” Tree is for them, if they’re willing to accept it.
Next year I hope to have a fully produced video for the song.
Yeah it’s not sacred music and yeah it’s not some sappy secular “holiday” song but it is a song with a message and a good groove. I left out the standard “jingle bells” everyone else is using in this mix.
This is one of two freebies “Santa” Lattin is giving you this year, not because you’ve been naughty or nice but because I want to get this stuff into your ears and get a message into your heart.
If you want the lyrics, email me.
The next freebie is Christ-centered too, but not as ‘pop-ish’. It is an acoustic guitar song with some special 6 string playing by yours truly and it’s a song you can sing along with as well. It will be released in a day or two.
Or just be lazy like me and scroll down to the widget. Looks pretty cool, huh?
This Christmas Tree’s For You ©1997 R. Lattin. All Rights Reserved.